Change Request Form (CRF)

Priority Solutions, Inc. is likewise interested in suggestions for software improvement. The users of our LowCode software are a valuable sources of information on its functionality. In order to follow a standard process for requesting a change (and to ensure inclusion of important information/attachments) a form and routing procedure to help ensure that any changes made will benefit all users worldwide, PSI has developed the Change Request Form (CRF).

Route Proposals for Change is as follows:

  1. The Initiator Fills Out the Form and Support Documentation. Client agency completes all of the black ink areas on the CRF and submits to PSI representative.
  2. PSI logs the CRF and presents to the Priority Solution and LowCode team members. The team determines the priority and utilization of the request, as well as whether or not the request will benefit agencies across the board or if the request is of a custom nature benefiting the individual agency.
  3. The request is sent to the developers to scope the change requested. If the CRF is accepted, the cost and scope of the request is determined and communicated back to the client agency.
  4. Feedback is sent back to the requesting agency. The red ink areas are completed on the form and the feedback is presented to the agency.  If the change is an accepted global change to improve LowCode, there would be no costs to the client agency.  If the change is determined to be a customized change, specific to the needs of an individual agency, the agency will be presented with the costs involved to determine if they wish to proceed with the understanding that the agency would need to cover the costs of implementing the change.
  5. The project is slated for development and release. Once fully approved, the project is slated for development and release.